Jungian Library, Social, and Tea
Join us for our monthly Calgary Jung Society Lending Library evening. There is space to sit and visit, have tea, or just simply browse and read. The Calgary Jung Society has over 400 books in the collection, including 2 copies of the full-sized Red Book!
Please note, this event is for members only, but members may bring a non-member guest if desired, please register them at the same time that you register. As a member you have access to borrowing almost all of the books. To view our catalogue online, click here. Borrowing privileges remain for members only.
If you are not a member and would like to purchase a membership, please head to our website for more details. MEMBERSHIP - Calgary Jung Society
The Calgary Jung Society Lending Library is located in the NW and the exact location will be emailed after registration for the event. If you would like to know the location before registering or for any other questions or concerns, please, email info@calgaryjungsociety.org
©2023 Calgary Jung Society