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Social Media and the Collective Unconscious: Archetypal Algorithms and the Colonization of the Psyche

  • Fri, December 08, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom (link will be emailed)


  • Members only

Registration is closed

Considering the colonization of the human psyche, which has been driven by greed and hunger for power during this period of end-stage capitalism and woven into algorithms that infect the unconscious, I argue that social media will impact the evolution of all cultures across the globe. Certainly, an analysand’s social media use can impact their capacity to develop a symbolic life and the egoic strength necessary for individuation, yet many Jungians have underestimated the influence of this cultural phenomenon on both the individual and collective psyche. Jane believes Jungians have much to offer due to our understanding of the unconscious and the archetypal realm. 

In this seminar, Jane brings the neurobiology of addiction together with the myth of Theseus and Ariadne to explore the handheld amorphous labyrinth of social media as it impacts both the individual and the cultural anima.

**Please note that a recording of this lecture will be available to all those who purchase tickets, making this event truly unmissable!**

About the speaker, Jane Clapp.

"I'm a Jungian Psychoanalyst (IAAP), a registered Psychotherapist (Q) and an expert in the inseparable relationship between the body and psyche. The purpose of analysis and embodiment is to open us up TO BEING MOVED by life again and to fall back in love with being alive. I live in wonder and awe of the strength of the human spirit and the unique ways we all long to express and manifest who we truly are in our relationships and in the world. I believe in the power of bringing the body and psyche together to recover who we were truly meant to be in our lives."

Find out more about Jane by clicking here.


Friday, December 8, 2023; 7-9 PM  by Zoom

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