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The Absent Father Effect

  • Fri, October 29, 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Online Zoom Webinar


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The Absent Father Effect

The absent father effect is a love story, but an unrequited one. Harm is done due to the presence of his absence, affecting a daughter—and the father--in body, mind, and soul. For many reasons, the father is an essential aspect of the psyche and significant for the daughter’s psychological and physical life, expressed personally and culturally. Topics of the psyche affected by the absent father include the negative father complex and the puella archetype; we will also examine the updated concept of the animus. Paradoxically, the Friday lecture will focus on the bleaker side of daughters and fathers’ relationship in order to shed light on the lack, symptoms, and problems, as well as the repair and hope. 

Both lecture and workshop apply to everyone as the aspects of fathers and daughters are internal figures, appearing in dreams and relationships. The effect of being trapped in a complex of absence and lack saps energy and depletes the person and culture. Participants will have opportunities to explore ways to repair the missing pieces. 


Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D., Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist is a member the International Association of Analytical Psychology. She has taught in numerous Jungian programs and presented workshops and lectures in the USA and many other countries. 

Susan has articles in several journals and chapters in books on Jungian analytical psychology. She has a book published by Routledge in 2020 entitled, The Absent Father Effect on Daughters, Father Desire, Father Wounds. Her analytical private practice is in Paradise Valley, Arizona, USA and her website is

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