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Persona: The Impersonator Within

  • Fri, March 13, 2020
  • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • St. Laurence Anglican Church 5940 Lakeview Dr. SW Calgary, AB


Persona: The Impersonator Within

The mirror does not flatter. It faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor.  C.G.Jung. 1934.CW 9.1

The persona  is  like a magic cloak of our personality.  It draws on  archetypal energies  to flesh out the roles we take in society.  As an image of a  mask it  allows us some  protection,  can be used as disguise, or as  intermediary, creating  a  necessary space  between our inner selves and outer lives. Without an effective  persona we may never be able to stride on through the stages of life. Too effective a persona can separate us from  our inner life.

 Unlike the  mirror above  persona  may indeed  flatter too much. It can create a blind spot, or too bright light, that  inhibits wholeness. The unmasking then becomes a task of individuation; a work to uncover what lies beneath.

The talk  will follow Jungian writings on the Persona and include some clinical  examples  and  properties of the persona/ mask  from the arts.


Cliona Dickie, RP, Jungian Analyst

Cliona was born in Dublin, Ireland, where she graduated from University College Dublin as a Physiotherapist. She has lived and worked in Toronto for many years.

She did her post -graduate training in Analytical Psychology with of the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts Training Program. It is the only Analyst Training Program in Canada recognized by the International Association for Analytical Psychology in Zurich. Graduates become Jungian Analysts.

She was a past Director of Training in the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts Training Program.

She completed observerships at St. Josephs’ Healthcare Hamilton, West Fifth Campus; The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Mount Sinai Hospital, Psychological Trauma Clinic; and The Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture.

She has a deep interest and participation in theatre completing a graduate thesis on the play “Shining City” by Conor McPhearson.

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