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Jungian Approach to Exploring our Inner Landscape through Music and Sound

  • Sat, October 06, 2018
  • 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Parkdale United Church - Conference Room


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Music and sound play a vital role in our lives. We hear music almost everywhere we go and it often has the ability to deeply stir our hearts and minds. We naturally use music to feel, to remember, to connect to our cultural roots and sometimes even to distract ourselves from the inevitable aches and pains of living a human life.

This experiential workshop will delve into the world of music-centred psychotherapy to illustrate some effective ways to utilize music, sound and image to explore our own inner landscape based on C.G. Jung’s 100-year-old process of Active Imagination.  We will investigate together various musical approaches to finding meaning within our human experience including aspects of grief, loss, anxiety, transitions, pain, and the depressions of life. We will explore how to work with various archetypal images such as the Shadow, the archetypal Feminine/Masculine, the Trickster and the Hero. We will look at a few clinical examples of how the transcendent function operates through ‘musical mandalas’ and we will investigate the role that psychoacoustics and quantum physics have played in developing a deeper understanding of how music mediates our daily life.

No musical experience is necessary and nothing more than your presence is required but there will be guided opportunities to engage musically for those that wish to have a “hands-on” experience.

Presenter Bio

Joel Kroeker is a Swiss-trained Jungian Analyst and a registered Music-Centred Psychotherapist with a private practice based in Victoria, BC. He is the founding international workshop facilitator of Archetypal Music Psychotherapy (AMP) and an international recording and touring artist on True North Records. He currently divides his time between his clinical practice and teaching Jungian-oriented courses at various universities across Brazil, Europe and North America.

Feel free to contact Joel by email at:

See also Joel's online course Archetypal Music Psychotherapy: A Depth Approach to the Creative Expressive Arts. 

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